Before The Coffee » Photography


I enjoy photographing the rinky dink carnivals run by gypsies more than the hi-tech ones with super-sonic rides. Who doesn’t love the music, kids screaming, the food and clicking sounds from loosely assembled rides with rusty bolts. I drove past the carnival on Rt. 5 St. Mary’s County, it was closed and surrounded with a chain link fence but the skies were too good to pass up the chance to get some decent shots from the outside. I composed pics that included only the top of the rides so my images were clean. Circling around the fence I found a gate left open by the staff so I slipped through and walked around an empty park. It was exciting to be the only one there, and just in case I had my story all ready in case I ran into someone along the way. “Oh I’m looking for someone to get permission to take pictures for a newspaper article.” No one showed, then 2 guys left the bar across the street and walked toward the park. One guy zig-zagged and staggered toward me, stopping at times talking to himself. I hid behind the carousel and dashed back through the gate, never noticed. Whew, that was a close one.

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  • John Barclay - July 7, 2009 - 12:03 pm

    Really… a drunk carnival worker? I’m shocked.

    A moving image Ferrell. I like the PP work as well. You still are da man!

    That’s funny John, Actually, you da man!ReplyCancel

  • JRP - July 7, 2009 - 6:59 pm

    Texture is my favorite technique besides HDR to work with. This is a great combination. The angle works and so does the texture!

    You lucky dog getting to go into an empty carnival ground! I would have loved that! I gotta come hang out with you! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Nadia McIlhany - July 8, 2009 - 8:05 am

    Love the colors and the texture Ferrell. I guess that I may have to start driving around St. Mary’s County. You find all the best places.ReplyCancel

  • MEM - July 10, 2009 - 8:50 am

    I love these, Ferrell! I’ve always had a soft spot for carnivals, big tents, the creaking sounds. The angles you’ve chosen get the sense of sky texture, shine of colorful chrome, even old, and the sometimes dizzying movement from child’s eyes to lift of mushroom-topped car into clouds. Thanks for sharing them.ReplyCancel

  • Bob Towery - July 10, 2009 - 9:00 pm

    I’m going to have to learn to do these textures. If I can get myself back into PS that is (I’m a dedicated LR guy). What a great and different “feel” to these images.ReplyCancel

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