Babies become tots, tots become kids, kids become teens. All those toys you buy get discarded and that’s why we have yard sales. Yard sales keep our junk moving around the country and out of the landfill. Think of it as a green alternative, the recycling of junk, less mucking up the water system and soil. When your junk gets too much for you to manage it’s moved to another home and the best part they pay you for hauling your junk away. The government could never have come up with an idea so clever.
Babydoll Waits
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Brilliant! I’ve got to have a Yard sale and now have a reason. It will make me politically correct! Yeah, thats me… politically correct… NOT.
clever and spooky, why is it that dolls bring such joy and yet in the right setting be so scary.
I’m actually having a yard sale Saturday – LOL! 🙂
Now this is just so full of mystery!
Fantastically lit and the scene was set up amazingly!
I’ll be sending the buyers your way, good luck!
I must say, this is a masterfully done picture. I love everything about it, the feel of it… everything.
Hi Felipe, Thank you for stopping by, feel free to use the pics if you like them. A link back would be great too!
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Happy Shooting, Ferrell