I was invited to the local high school to teach the photography class, portrait studio work. I took my strobes and set them up in the computer room. We did a few types of lighting and then the party started. Scarf, gloves and fake snow each student had a task there was a makeup artists, stylists, lightingman, fanman and even snowman. The snowman (men) went wild and the room was a mess. Hey, all in the name of teaching the art of photography.
Teaching at the Local High School
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Very clean image, the colors look great as well.
This is one lovely shot! And the model did a very good job as well! Is this your picture or did the students make it? I bet it could get a pretty penny in some magazine…
Stunning Ferrell. So is this an HDR image or just a straight shot. You are getting so good at your HDR images it is getting hard to tell!
Hi John,
This is a straight shot with some PS retouching. Have a great day!
This is a nice image.
Thank you so much for your HDR tutorials. Someone from Flickr pointed to your website, and I’m just beginning to explore your blog.
Whoa. Gorgeous. And here’s me, totally in the dark about what HDR even STANDS for. In the meantime, I use real snow and whatever light is available and tweak a bit in Photoshop and voila! It’s not as shiny and amazing, but it IS organic. 🙂