Here is a setup I’ve been using for about 8 months for shooting portraits indoor when ambient light is poor.
1. Sirui tripod – P224S – Small footprint is very valuable for tight spaces but you can’t tilt the light very much or it will topple. I put leg weights on the base to help stabilize it.
2. Sirui ball head K-20x, really love it.
3. Ice light with tripod plate on bottom locks into ball head, 1/4″ 20 thread.
4. Barn doors – a must. I also taped a guide on the barn door that gives me some basic camera settings for a starting point. I go to camera memory #1, set for 1/160sec ISO640. With subject @4 feet and FE55mm @ f/1.8 I get a good starting point to adjust exposure.
5. Small ball head on top screwed into top of Ice Light. Flash mounted on small ball head. Pocket wizard for flash. I use the flash for extra fill if needed. I can rotate it to bounce off the wall or ceiling.
6. Everything fits in two carry bags.