A very cool sunset spot in Portland along the Esplanade. Not only is it a great view of the city but you can scamper back and forth along the railing for some cool compositions. This pano is made from 3 images stitched together in PS. There was enough foreground and background light that I could get enough range with single images. But these are the +2EV images because the camera was responding to the bright sidewalk lights – you can see that in the EXIF data.
This pano is made from 3 single images +2EV stitched together in PS.
This pano is made from 3 HDR images stitched together in PS.
Scamper? I love that!! I can picture you scampering like we did in South Africa… 🙂
John, Yes indeed, scampering is one of the little known benefits for people under 6 feet tall 🙂