South of Myrtle Beach South Carolina is a National Historic Landmark called Brookgreen Gardens. Archer and Anna Hyatt Huntington founded it in the 1930’s. Archer and Anna would be on my list of the 10 most interesting people to have dinner with. They would leave Connecticut each winter and travel to South Carolina with a trailer-home full of pets that consisted of monkey’s, exotic birds and dogs. Once they arrived at their hispanic-style home, Atalaya, along the coast, the locally hired “help” would have the house ready for them. Archer, in his philanthropic ways would hang out on the breakfast porch, surrounded by his favorite dogs, writing poetry and thinking of new places to found a museum. Anna who was a world renowned sculpture would create life-sized sculptures from clay while glancing away periodically to chuckle at her monkeys. There is no doubt in my mind they would be a fun couple to hang out with. The Huntington’s never had children. They called March 10th their 3-in-1 day, it was the date of their mutual birthdays and wedding day.
This pic was taken in Brookgreen Gardens and consists of 5 images at 1EV spacing. Processed in Photomatix – if you’re interested try beforethecoffee for the discount.
Brookgreen Gardens live oak trees line the old carriage lane.
It was a pleasure meeting you at Brookgreen as you were capturing this beautiful piece. It is gorgeous and is probably more breathtaking in your image than in person. I didn’t think that was possible because Brookgreen has such natural and abundant beauty. I enjoyed your website. All of your work is inspiring.
I love this!!!!!