I took a video the night I shoot these images, some parts are dark when my flashlight is off but when my little headlight is on you can see the desert floor as I hike back to camp.
I mentioned in the video that I started taking the time lapse series around moonset. The time lapse went on for 3 hours and this is a layered shot of 2 of those shots, one at moonset of the dunes and another later of the night sky when the stars are most visible.

Minimal light pollution allows a dramatic view of the milky way. This image is a composite, one just before moonset of the landscape and one after moonset of the milky way.
Here is the result of the time lapse series.

Star trails become dramatic when created from several hundred exposures taken over a several hours during a moonless night.
Wow – these are incredible. I love how you created the “invisible” into visible – such clarity, slow-time. Thanks, as always, for sharing this!