One of the most incredible trips I’ve taken and my only regret is that it wasn’t longer. It is nice to leave with the feeling I want more, to see more, to drive more and to experience more of Oregon. Now I have a good reason to go back next year. The people I met were amazing, photographers are great people to hang with and travel with. Photographers have an appreciation for the fabulous as well as the simple. And what photographer doesn’t mutter everyday, “where the hell did I put my lens cap?”
Portland, Oregon is a beautiful city, it’s clean, and friendly. Terri from Salem gave the visiting photographers an enthusiastic and emphatic urging, “You must go shoot at the Esplanade at sunset, it’s beautiful.” Well we did and it was B E A U T I F U L. Thank you Terri.
This is a 5 image HDR tonemapped in Photomatix with Compressor. I used a single image to blend a sharp image of the man in the bottom left.